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1 Oct 2019 NEW YORK - Beginning Tuesday, the city will issue violations to any store that sells food or drink containing CBD. The health department 

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CBD oil can either be derived from hemp or from the cannabis plant and while hemp is legal, marijuana is not, unless you suffer from a life-threatening illness, but we’ll get to that in a second. NYC Diesel Archives - CBD Distribution Retail NYC Diesel. Showing all 1 result Harmony CBD E liquid | New-York Diesel £ 9.99 – £ 49.99; Product categories. CBD Balms and Lotions Harmony CBD E liquid | New-York Diesel £ 9.99 – £ 49.99; Product categories. CBD Balms and Lotions; CBD Capsul CBD-Sour Cheese 5g - INNDRINKS Diese Sorte hat einen THC Gehalt, der unter 0,3% liegt. Das Produkt ist somit legal zu erwerben. Die Blüten werden ausschließlich als Aromaprodukt verkauft.

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